Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Want to Have a Beer with Shatner

Hello I'm Scoats. I run the Grey Lodge Pub in Northeast Philadelphia. I'm 46 years old and have managed to do some neat stuff in those 46 years.

We at The Grey Lodge Pub have gotten some national recognition over the years. Philadelphia Magazine named our French Fries best of Philly. Our cheese steak made 610 WIP's Top Five best. Esquire Magazine named us one of the Best Bars in America. I don't mention that to brag, merely to establish that I'm not a complete loser. More like a partial loser.

Once you get middle aged, you may start having bucket list ideas. One dream I have is to have a beer with William Shatner.

I got to do the weather on I got to go to Chico and brew a beer as part of Sierra Nevada's Bar Camp. I have handed a giant hammer to the mayor of a large city without being tazered. So unlikely things have happened to me already.

I have discovered with the Internet many highly unlikely things are possible. And having a beer with William Shatner is definitely highly unlikely for a regular Joe like me from Northeast Philadelphia. I have started this blog to hopefully make it happen.

Future posts will deal with why I want to have a beer with Bill and why Bill might want to have a beer with me.


  1. Sounds like a good plot for Free Enterprise 2.

  2. Good luck! I shall follow with interest!

  3. OG, I love that movie, as evidenced by today's post. IMDB says there was supposed to be Free Enterprise II: My Big Fat Geek Wedding, but I'm pretty sure it ain't going to happen if it hasn't happened yet.

    Thanks Roland!

  4. Are you so sure you want to meet him?
